Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

berita palsu "oprah meninggal"

Kabar Oprah Winfrey Tewas Ternyata Palsu
Kabar itu tampaknya disebarkan oleh grup online bernama Anonymous dan laman
Rabu, 23 September 2009, 21:58 WIB
Renne R.A Kawilarang

Oprah Winfrey (

VIVAnews - Sejumlah pengguna internet dan pengelola beberapa laman jejaring sosial telah menjadi korban informasi palsu (hoax) bahwa presenter terkenal asal Amerika Serikat, Oprah Winfrey, telah tewas.

Laman Wikinews mengungkapkan bahwa sebelumnya beredar informasi di sejumlah laman populer seperti Wikipedia, Wikinews, dan Twitter bahwa Oprah telah tewas di rumahnya di kota Chicago, AS. Setelah ditelusuri, kabar itu ternyata tidak dapat dibuktikan kebenarannya.

Kabar itu tampaknya disebarkan oleh suatu grup online bernama Anonymous. Selain itu muncul laporan lain bahwa laman juga bertanggungjawab menyebarkan rumor mengenai Oprah yang menyebar luas di internet.

Belum ada tanggapan dari pihak Oprah mengenai rumor di internet mengenai dirinya. Oprah pun dijadwalkan tampil dalam acara penganugerahan film serial televisi Emmy Awards, Rabu malam waktu setempat.

Rumor itu muncul setelah Oprah memberi komentar yang berisi dukungan kepada Undang-undang yang menghukum para pedofil (pelaku seks atas anak-anak) dan pemerkosa anak-anak.

sumber :

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

my new facebook profil pict


Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Bahaya coca cola dan softdrink lainnya

Cobalah kemampuan Coca Cola:

Untuk Membersihkan toilet
Tuangkan sekaleng coca cola kedalam toilet, tunggu sejam, kemudian siram sampai bersih. Asam sitric dalam coca cola menghilangkan noda-noda dari keramik.
Untuk membersihkan radiator.
Panaskan mesin 15-30 menit. Dinginkan mesin, setelah itu buang air radiator. Anda akan melihat karat yangrontok bersama air tersebut.
Untuk menghilangkan titik-titik karat dari bumper? Chrome?
Mobil : Gosok bumper dengan gumpalan alumunium foil yang direndam dalam coca-cola. Untuk membersihkan korosi dari terminal aki mobil : Tuangkan sekaleng coca-cola diatas terminal aki untuk membersihkan korosi.
Untuk melonggarkan baut yang berkarat :
Gosokkan kain yang direndam dalam coca-cola pada baut yang berkarat.
Untuk menghilangkan noda-noda lemak pada pakaian :
Tuangkan sekaleng coca-cola kedalam tumpukan cucian yang bernoda lemak, tambahkan detergent, dan putar dengan putaran normal. Coca-cola/pepsi akan menolong menghilangkan noda lemak coca-cola juga membersihkan kabut pada kaca depan mobil.
Kita minum coca-cola / pepsi! Tentu saja juga untuk membersihkan system kita. Lagi pula kita semua membayar untuk itu. Untuk perhatian kita PH rata-rata dari soft drink, 3.l coca-cola & pepsi 3.4. tingkat keasaman ini cukup kuat untuk melarutkan gigi dan tulang! Tubuh kita berhenti menumbuhkan tulang pada usia sekitar 30 th. Setelah itu tulang akan larut setiap tahun melalui urine tergantung dari tingkat keasaman makanan yang masuk. Semua calsium yang larut berkumpul didalam arteri, urat nadi, kulit, urat daging dan organ, yang mempengaruhi fungsi gimjal dalam membantu pembentukan batu ginjal. Soft drink tidak punya nilai gizi (dalam hal vitamin &mineral). Mereka punya kandungan gula yang lebih tinggi, lebih asam dan banyak zat aditif seperti pengawet dan pewarna.
Sementara orang suka meminum soft drink dingin setelah makan, coba tebak apa akibatnya? Akibatnya? Tubuh kita mempunyai suhu optimum 37 supaya enzim pencernaan berfungsi. Suhu dari soft drink dingin jauh dibawah 37, terkadang mendekati 0. hal ini mengurangi keefektivan dari enzim dan memberi tekanan pada system pencernaan kita, mencerna lebih sedikit makanan. Bahkan makanan tersebut difermentasi. Makanan yang difermentasikan menghasilkan bau, gas, sisa busuk dan racun, yang diserap oleh usus, diedarkan oleh darah keseluruh tubuh. Penyebaran racun ini mengakibatkan pembentukan macam-macam penyakit.
Beberapa contoh 2 bulan lalu, ada sebuah kompetisi di universitas Delhi India ? Siapa dapat minum coca-cola paling banyak?? Pemenangnya meminum 8 botol dan mati seketika karena kelebihan karbondioksida dalam darah dan kekurangan oksigen. Setelah itu, rector melarang semua soft drink disemua kantin universitas.
Seseorang menaruh gigi patah didalam botol pepsi, dan dalam 10 hari gigi tersebut melarut!! Gigi dan tulang adalah satu-satunya organ manusia tetap utuh selama tahunan setelah manusia mati.
Bayangkan apa yang dilakukan oleh minuman tersebut pada usus kita yang halus tsb. Permohonan kepada semua, forward-kan kabar ini kepada teman-teman dan saudara kita untuk menambah kewaspadaanya terhadap bahaya Soft Drink.

Tanpa bermaksud untuk menjelekkan produk minuman Coca Cola ya. Soalnya ini berlaku juga buat soda yg lain.

Untuk membersihkan toilet : Tuangkan sekaleng Coca-Cola ke dalam toilet. Tunggu sejam, kemudian siram sampai bersih. Asam sitric dalam Coca-Cola menghilangkan noda-noda dari keramik.

Untuk membersihkan radiator mobil : Campur sekaleng Coca-Cola ke dalam radiator. Panaskan mesin 15-30 menit. Dinginkan mesin, setelah itu buang air radiator. Anda akan melihat karat yang rontok bersama air tersebut.

Untuk menghilangkan titik-titik karat dari bumper chrome mobil : Gosok bumper dengan gumpalan alumunium foil yang direndam dalam Coca-Cola.

Untuk membersihkan korosi dari terminal aki mobil : Tuangkan sekaleng Coca-Cola di atas terminal aki untuk membersihkan korosi.

Untuk melonggarkan baut yang berkarat : Gosokkan kain yang direndam dalam Coca-Cola pada baut yang berkarat.

Untuk menghilangkan noda-noda lemak pada pakaian : Tuangkan sekaleng Coca-Cola ke dalam tumpukan cucian yang bernoda lemak, tambahkan detergent, dan putar dengan putaran normal. Coca-cola/Pepsi akan menolong menghilangkan noda lemak.

Coca-Cola juga membersihkan kabut pada kaca depan mobil.

Kita minum Coca-Cola/Pepsi! Tentu saja juga untuk membersihkan sistem kita. Lagipula kita semua membayar untuk itu.

Untuk Perhatian Kita PH rata-rata dari soft drink, a.l. Coca-Cola & Pepsi adalah 3 - 4. Tingkat keasaman ini cukup kuat untuk melarutkan gigi dan tulang! Tubuh kita berhenti menumbuhkan tulang pada usia sekitar 30th. Setelah itu tulang akan larut setiap tahun melalui urine tergantung dari tingkat keasaman makanan yang masuk. Semua Calcium yang larut berkumpul di dalam arteri, urat nadi, kulit, urat daging dan organ, yang mempengaruhi fungsi ginjal dalam membantu pembentukan batu ginjal. Soft drinks tidak punya nilai gizi (dalam hal vitamin dan mineral). Mereka punya kandungan gula lebih tinggi, lebih asam, dan banyak zat aditif seperti pengawet dan pewarna.

Sementara orang suka meminum soft drink dingin setelah makan, coba tebak apa akibatnya? Akibatnya?Tubuh kita mempunyai suhu optimum 370 supaya enzim pencernaan berfungsi. Suhu dari soft drink dingin jauh di bawah 37, terkadang mendekati 0. Hal ini mengurangi keefektivan dari enzim dan memberi tekanan pada sistem pencernaan kita, mencerna lebih sedikit makanan. Bahkan makanan tersebut difermentasi. Makanan yang difermentasi menghasilkan bau, gas, sisa busuk dan racun, yang diserap oleh usus, di edarkan oleh darah ke seluruh tubuh. Penyebaran racun ini mengakibatkan pembentukan macam-macam penyakit.

Beberapa Contoh 2 bulan lalu, ada sebuah kompetisi di Universitas Delhi : Siapa dapat minum Coca-Cola paling banyak?? Pemenangnya meminum 8 botol dan mati seketika karena kelebihan Karbondioksida dalam darah dan kekurangan oksigen. Setelah itu, Rektor melarang semua soft drink di semua kantin universitas.

Seseorang menaruh gigi patah di dalam botol pepsi, dan dalam 10 hari gigi tersebut melarut! Gigi dan tulang adalah satu-satunya organ manusia tetap utuh selama tahunan setelah manusia mati. Bayangkan Apa yang minuman tersebut pasti lakukan pada usus dan lapisan perut kita yang halus!


The Jonas Brothers and The Golden Pearl, The most awkward story i've ever made

actually I made this for my english lesson, I had to make a scary story, but I thought it's not scary at all, it's so funny and awkward... So I made new scary story, and I thought why don't I put it on my blog?
so, here we go... (I always laugh at it, LOL)

The Jonas Brothers and The Golden Pearl
Once upon a time there lived an evil king, he unnamed because he didn't have parents, and he lived in the unnamed castle in the unnamed island. He was the strongest man in the world, no one could win in war with him and his dark knights and his ugly and big ogres. But, behind his super power there was a big secret which no one knew. The golden pearl, it producted the king of the goddes' shell, it has a big power who could give everything which his owner would, when the evil king dead he turned into a ghost and keep it always.

Long long time later, it became a legend, it spread until the famous group band in the world heard it, they called The Jonas Brothers, their parent's parent told them in a dream that the golden pearl belongs to them, the evil king stole it from their parent's parent. they so shocked and they almost couldn't believe it.

They were planning to fight the king's ghost and get the golden pearl back. when they came into the palace, they have no idea to get it back. they have to dight the king's ghost, knights, and ogres. The ogres have scary faces, they green skinned, and they're cannibal. The Jonas brothers were so upset, then they prayed to God, asked for a miracle. When they were praying, suddenly something moved behind them.. that's a smothsonian cupid, and it said "don't worry dudes with my power and God's help we can destroy them." and then it sang " aaa aaaa aaaaaa...." suddenly a thousand elf came and honored to jonas brothers, they would be the jonas' knight. When the war begin, the ogres threw a hundredfireballs to them, but the elf suddenly shined and the king's ghost with his knights gone. The Jonas won the war and got the black pearl, next time they made a super big party with the smithsonian cupid, elf, and their fans.



why I chosen The Jonas Brothers? because I mad at them
why I chosen smithsonian cupid? because it's jonas brothers char at Night at the museum 2 : Battle of the smithsonian

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

Freaky Friday

Freaky Friday, kayak judul film aje (keren tuh) hahah

Capek gue tiap hari sekolah ketemu IPA IPA dan IPA, tapi mau gimana lagi.. itu deh resikonya masuk ipa.. ckck
hari ini ada remed kimia sama latihan soal2 fisika, cukup ampuh bikin gw puyeng. hahah
kemaren2 gw seneng banget gara2 ulangan fisika gw cukup memuaskan, 72, 80, 80.. lumayan banget lah tapi... pas gw liat nilai ulangan kimia yang ke2.. setress!! jelek gila, ini nilai terburuk yang pernah gw dapet.. ckck
bukan cuma gw yg remed, sekelas remed semua. orang2 pinter kayak assyifa, julia, frizki, dll juga ikut2an remed.. weleh2
tapi untungnya udah belajar dulu, kemaren aja gw belajar bareng vero (masa) di rumah anggita (pinky) sampe sore, ya walaupun kebanyakan ngobrol dll. hehe, tapi lumayan banget buat persiapan remed... semoga aja nilainya mencukupi skbm (7)

Amin Ya Rabb

Julia Roberts Syuting di Indonesia

Julia Roberts artis top hollywood datang ke Indonesia, Bali tepatnya, dan katanya sih dia lagi di Ubud. Dia bakal syuting buat film "EAT, PRAY AND LOVE" yang diproduseri Brad Pitt dan Dede Gardner melalui perusahaan Plan B Entertainment, dan katanya lawan mainnya di film ini diantaranya James Franco, Richard Jenkins, Bill Crudup, Viola Davis, dan Javier Bardem. Kereen..

Tapi uniknya salah satu lawan mainnya di film ini adl warga Bali yang juga seorang balian (dukun)

jadi ga sabar mau nonton filmnya

Selasa, 29 September 2009

Hari terakhir libur lebaran

Gak kerasa ±tiga minggu liburan udah terlewati, dan hari ini hari terkahir gw bisa ol net sepuasnya dari pagi sampe sore masih mau liburaaaaan

rasanya males banget masuk sekolah lagi, haha. 3 minggu bikin gw yg pemalas ini jadi orang yang super duper malas, maunya cuma nonton tv, maen komputer, tidur2an, intinya bermalas-malasan.. haha, klasik sekali. Tapi alhamdulillah pr fisika yang susah (bgt) itu udah selesai semua, tentunya dibantu guru privat ^_^ untung banget gw punya guru privat yang deket rumah, gampang dicari kalo lagi darurat cz gw baru minta tolong 2 hari kemaren, apa jadinya kalo gw ngerjain sendiri.. weleh2 bukannya selese malah salah semua, haha xDD
sebenernya masih ada 1 pr lagi sih, pr bahasa inggris disuruh bikin kalimat indirect speech 25 biji.. tapi ntar aja ah, gampang hahaha
tapi emang iya sih, orang cuma bikin kalimat, coppas juga bisa..

hari ini gw mulai dgn sahur sama ibu & adek, ayah gak ada cz dia lagi ke padang buat dinas. gw, ibu, adek puasa syawal dan hari ini hari yang ke-3 dan niatnya sih puasa ke 4,5,6 dilanjutin pas hari sekolah tapi ga yakin kuat apa nggak, susah kalo puasa sendirian di sekolah.. godaannya beraaat cz di kelas orang2 pasti pada makan dgn bebasnya kan bukan bulan puasa terus gw lanjutin dgn ol net sampe sekarang, tadi gw sempet cari2 cheat buat pet society (weleh2) bukannya gimana2, gw buka pet society jarang bgt tapi sekalinya buka pengennya langsung kaya, makanya gw cari cheat biar puas dan ga penasaran terus ga maen itu lagi. setelah beribet ria dgn ce 5.4 akhirnya bisa jg, sekarang paw point pet gw 1jeti lebih dan levelnya sekarang 47. hahaha... dan sekarang gw lagi ngisi postingan, akhirnya setelah sekian lama nih blog nganggur ga gw sentuh, abis bingung sih milih kata yg mau gw tulis isi blog gw aja kebanyakan foto2 sama lirik2 + link download lagu, tulisan gw sendiri cuma beberapa, padahal kepengen banget nulis dgn baik dan benar biar enak diliat orang, hari ini (last day of holiday) gw coba menyemangatkan diri lagi buat nulis postingan.. semangat
niatnya nanti mau nonton orphan lagi, maklum baru beli dvd kemaren, pas adek benerin ps di tamini sekalian aja gw beli dvd, gw beli camp rock, jonas brothers concert exp, orphan, night @ the museum, dan D9. bagus2 sih kualitasnya tapi sayangnya D9 ga bisa di tonton gr2 bajakannya ga profesional. haha
itulah kegiatan gw di hari, ini hari terakhir liburan....

dan besok gw harus mulai buka buku pelajaran lagi dan bertarung dengan banyaknya materi dan berusaha keras untuk tidak setres

Selasa, 15 September 2009

All about Kevin Jonas

Full Name: Paul Kevin Jonas II
Date of Birth: November 5th, 1987
Place of Birth: Teaneck, New Jersey
Height: 5'9"
Star Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Horoscope Sign: Rabbit
Parents: Kevin (Sr.) and Denise Jonas
Siblings: Joe, Nick, and Frankie Jonas
Hobbies: Playing guitar and bowling
Instruments: Guitar
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky Road
Favorite Sport: Pole Vaulting

Mini Biography

Paul Kevin Jonas II (widely known as Kevin), was born on November 5th, 1987 in New Jersey to Denise and Paul Kevin Jonas Sr. He is the oldest of three younger brothers. He is part Italian, Irish, German and Cherokee Indian. Kevin is known for being in the band titled "Jonas Brothers", which also includes two of his three younger brothers, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas.

Trade Mark


Curly hair


His favorite sport is pole vaulting.

3 Brothers, Joe, Nick, and Frankie, eldest of these children.

Brothers include Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas, and Frankie Jonas.

His favorite school subjects were Latin and history.

Favorite game is monopoly.

His favorite holiday is Christmas.

His favorite actor is James Dean.

His favorite singer is John Mayer.

His favorite actresses are Rachel Mcadams and Hayden Panettiere.

His favorite hobby is bowling.

Personal Quotes

"I don't think I'd ever reject anyone..."

Where Are They Now

(February 2008) On the "When You Look Me in The Eyes" tour with his brothers

(diff website)

The middle Jonas brother Kevin was born on November the 5th back in 1987. Kevin's full name is Paul Kevin Jonas II. Born in Teaneck, New Jersey on the east coast of the United States. He is brothers to Nick, Joe, and Frankie. Kevin's favorite sport is actually Pole Vaulting. He has a favorite color that he wears quite a bit which is green. Other than playing music, Kevin likes to chill back and relax with a game of bowling. His parents names are Kevin and Denise Jonas.

(another website)
Paul Kevin Jonas II has been playing guitar since he was 12 years old. He is in a band called the Jonas Brothers with two of his brothers Joe and Nick. He is the lead guitarist and also does back-up vocals. He is the oldest member in the Jonas Brothers and the oldest son in his family. He normally goes by his middle name Kevin.

All About Nick Jonas

"J.O.N.A.S!" (2008) TV series (filming) .... Nick (2007)
Camp Rock (2008) (TV) (post-production) .... Nate
Aquamarine (2006) (writer: "Time for Me to Fly")
Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour (2008) .... Himself
"Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2007-2008)
- Episode dated 21 January 2008 (2008) TV episode (as the Jonas Brothers) .... Himself
- Episode dated 26 October 2007 (2007) TV episode (as the Jonas Brothers) .... Himself
"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" .... Himself (1 episode, 2008)
- Episode dated 18 January 2008 (2008) TV episode (as Jonas Brothers) .... Himself
Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade (2007) (TV) (as the Jonas Brothers) .... Himself
"Live with Regis and Kathie Lee" .... Himself (1 episode, 2007)
... aka Live with Regis (USA: new title)
... aka Live with Regis & Kelly (USA: new title)
- Episode dated 27 November 2007 (2007) TV episode (as the Jonas Brothers) .... Himself
"Access Hollywood" .... Himself (1 episode, 2007)
- Episode dated 23 November 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Himself
"Hannah Montana" .... Himself (1 episode, 2007)
- Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas (2007) TV episode .... Himself

Birth Name
Nicholas Jerry Jonas

Nick J.

5' 6" (1.68 m)

Trade Mark
His curly hair.

His favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees.

His favorite sport is baseball.

His favorite actors are Matt Long and Keri Lynn Pratt. who both star in Jack and Bobby.

He has type 1 diabetes (diaganosed in 2005 while on tour.).

He uses an OmniPod for his Type 1 diabetes.

Born in Dallas Texas, grew up in Wyckoff New Jersey, and now resides in Los Angeles.

His band The Jonas Brothers have had over 7 music videos on TV.

Is a fan of Stevie Wonder.

Started on Broadway and once missed a family vacation to be in a play.

Was doing a solo project until his agent discovered his brothers (Kevin and Joe) had talent also.

Got discovered singing, while getting his haircut.

Brothers include Paul Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Frankie Jonas.

His favorite science subject is geology.

His favorite school subject is spelling.

His favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

His favorite band is Fall Out Boy.

His favorite baseball player is Derek Jeter.

His favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys.

He plays the electric and acoustic guitar, piano, and the drums.

He collects baseball cards.

Had a dog named Cocco.

Some of his hobbies includes playing baseball and golf, collecting baseball cards, tennis, songwriting and music.

His favorite movie is Finding Neverland and his favorite song is "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder.

He owns 12 guitars.

His favorite musicians are Stevie Wonder, Fall Out Boy, and Switchfoot.

Once missed a family vacation for a play on Broadway.

His favorite song to play in concert is Year 3000.

His favorite holiday is Christmas.

Personal Quotes
It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ you have everything.

Live like you're at the bottom even if your at the top.

Im pretty crazy about the Yankees. When I can't actually watch a game, i TiVo it. I am also a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I don't tell many people that because I will get made fun on because I'm from New Jersey!

The good thing about Joe is that he's the craziest person I've ever met in my life. And the worst thing about Joe is that he's the craziest person I've ever met in my life. Kevin is really good at staying focused on guitar. But there's nothing really bad about Kevin.

On all the tours we've done, we've gone from school in the morning to radio, we go to lunch with someone that's important, then go do a show, do a singing, go to bed. It never stops

You've got to avoid situations that make you uncomfortable.

It sounds funny, but my biggest fear is that I'm not perfect. I'm a perfectionist, and I get upset when things go wrong or when I don't do well. I used to be very uptight, but I've learned to loosen up

Where Are They Now
(September 2007) On tour across the country with his band.

(February 2008) On the "When You Look Me in The Eyes" tour with his brothers
Date of Birth
16 September 1992, Dallas, Texas, USA

All about Joe Jonas

Full Name: Joseph Adam Jonas
Date of Birth: August 15th, 1989
Place of Birth: Casa Grande, Arizona
Height: 5'10"
Star Sign: Leo
Chinese Horoscope Sign: Snake
Parents: Kevin (Sr.) and Denise Jonas
Siblings: Kevin (Jr.), Nick, and Frankie Jonas
Hobbies: Making movies, jogging and working out
Instruments: Guitar, piano, percussion (tambourine)
Favorite Food: Chicken cutlet sandwich w/ mayo
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Marshmallow
Favorite Sport: Wiffel Ball
Joseph Adam Jonas [mostly known as Joe] was born August 15th, 1989 in Casa Grande, Arizona. Born as the second oldest among his three brothers, Joe was the clown of the bunch. He'd love telling jokes and acting crazy/goofy. That's why his original plan before singing was different from his brothers. He dreamed of becoming a comedian and wanted to audition for sketch comedy shows. Although Joe still had a huge place in his heart for music, especially rock, so when his younger brother Nick got them signed by Columbia Records, they became the Jonas Brothers. Now as the lead singer, he is 100% into the music and loves performing at shows. He still has his comedy side and makes his fans laugh all the time. Joe is an inspiration and will continue to be!
In his spare time he enjoys jogging and working out. His favorite color is blue, and some of Joe's favorite foods are Chicken cutlet sandwiches with mayo, and Chocolate marshmallow ice cream. His favorite movie is Dumb and Dumber, and he enjoys the sport Wiffel Ball.
Favorite Junk Food: Mint and Creme Oreos.
Favorite Drink: Orange Gatorade.
Favorite Actress: Natalie Portman.
Favorite Sport: Wiffel Ball.
Favorite Band: Copeland and Switchfoot.
Favorite Actor: Jim Carey
Favorite Show: Boy Meets World and Heroes
Favorite Food: Chicken Cutlet Sandwich with Mayonnaise.
Favorite Candy: Twix and Tootsie Rolls.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Song: “Only Hope” by Switchfoot.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Marshmallow.
Favorite Animal:< Monkeys
Favorite Cereal: Trix
Favorite Gum Flavor: Bubblegum
Favorite Ice Cream Place: Pinkberry
Favorite Book: A Wrinkle in Time
Favorite Fast Food: In N Out Burger
Favorite Word: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Favorite Pizza Topping: BBQ Chicken
Brothers are Kevin, Nick, and Frankie.
Most outgoing brother
Incredibly humorous
He plays keyboard, guitar, tambourine, and lead vocals for the Jonas Brothers.
Before becoming a musician he wanted to be a comedian
Joe's favorite song from the album, Jonas Brothers is "Still in Love With You."
Joe is a big fan of the High School Musical movies.
Joe was in three broadway productions called "La Bohème," "The Velveteen Rabbit," and "Oliver."
Joe's favorite song from the album, Its About Time is "I Am What I Am.
Enjoys running.
Before being in the Jonas Brothers with his two brothers Kevin and Nick, he was back up vocalists with his older brother Kevin.
Along with his two brothers Kevin and Nicholas, he performed at their church.
His favorite board game is Monopoly.
Joe's not afraid to let a girl know that he likes her.
Joe is the biggest ladies man out of him and his brothers.
Joe doesn't really like coffee, but he does like some drinks at Starbucks. He likes their Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino and the Passion Tea Lemonade.
To be funny, when people ask about his purity ring he says that he's married!
Out of his brothers, he is the loudest.
He got his tambourine from Guitar Center.
His acoustic guitar is called the Black Pearl.
He once drove the tour bus and almost crashed it.
Joe has a white video iPod.
Joe's most prized possession is his hair.
He loves running and soccer.
He uses Right Guard and Old Spice deodorants.
He is easily scared.
Joe has a Razor(cellphone) and sidekick and his ringtone is "That's How I Beat Shaq" by Aaron Carter.
Joe uses a flat-iron and Evada Control Paste in his hair.
Joe listens to Beethoven before going to bed sometimes.
Joe's Chinese Horoscope sign is a Snake.
On YouTube, Joe sometimes poses as DJ Danger.
Like his brothers Nick and Kevin, Joe wears a purity ring.
The Jonas Brothers' song "Mandy", is actually about an ex-girlfriend and best friend of Joe.
His favorite song is “Only Hope” by Switchfoot.
Before being in the Jonas Brothers, he was back up vocalists with Kevin.
He and the rest of the 'Jonas Brothers' are spokespeople for "Baby Bottle Pops"
According to his brothers, Joe takes forever in the shower, takes forever to get ready and the asks how he looks about four times.
According to Nick, Joseph likes macadamian nuts.
Joe has black hair and brown eyes.
Joe's favorite ice cream flavor is Chocolate Marshmallow.
Joe once dated Amanda Michalka.
His mom's name is Denise Jonas.
When Joe was younger, he was very attached to his Barney Bank.

Joe plays the keyboard, guitar, and percussion (tambourine).

Some of Joe's hobbies include jogging, working out and making movies.

His favorite color is blue.

Joe is in a band called the Jonas Brothers with two of his brothers.

Joe's bad habit is biting his nails.

Joe plays the keyboard, guitar, and percussion (tambourine).

Some of Joe's hobbies include jogging, working out and making movies.

Joe is in a band called the Jonas Brothers with two of his brothers.

Joe's bad habit is biting his nails.

Joe's favorite designer is LaCoste's.

Joe's favorite author is Dr. Seuss.

Joe's best friends are Mandy Vandamye and a girl named Amelia.

Joe's favorite subject in school was math.

Joe's first trip out of the country was to Mexico.

The first movie Joe saw at the theatre was Homeward Bound.

The first thing that Joe reaches for his refrigerator is water.

When Joe was younger, he once got his head stuck in his tambourine.

Joe is a big fan of Penn State University college football.

Joe's first job as a kid was shoveling snow.

Joe's most ridiculous New Year's resolution is to talk to animals.

Joe's most ticklish spot is his neck.

The first album Joe ever bought was a Britney Spears CD at a 7-11 gas station.

Joe's favorite kind of car is a mercedes.

He's had dreams about being chased by a giant frog and also being followed everywhere by Avril Lavigne.

Joe's good luck charm is his friends.

He says if he could live in any other past era, it would be in the 60's or 70's.

Joe sleeps on a king-size bed.

Joe's toothbrush color is blue.

Joe thinks Miley Cyrus needs a straightjacket.

Joe likes pro-wrestling.

When Joe was younger, he never wanted to sing.

Joe attended Eastern Christian High School in North Haledon, New Jersey.

Joe loves the song "Crank That" by Soulja Boy.

If Joe ever went to college, his father said that he would most likely major in theater arts.

Joe's first big purchase were Nike Dunks.

The first book Joe ever read was Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman.

Onions make Joe cry.

Joe said that the best thing about school was his desk.

Joe's favorite historical era was the 1980s.

Joe's favorite science subject in school was Physics.

The first theme park that Joe ever visited was a Six Flags in Texas.

He owns 5 guitars.

Joe's favorite animals are a monkey and a kangaroo.

Joe's favorite Baby Bottle Pop flavor is strawberry.

His favorite musician is Freddie Mercury.

Joe prefers tea over coffee.

Joe's favorite cartoon character is Rocko from Rocko's Modern Life.

Joe's favorite ice cream topping is hot fudge.

His favorite candy is Twix, Godiva chocolate, and Tootsie Rolls.
Joe: School work, baby!
Joe: (talking about something fun to do on a date) I like to have fun, so we’d go bowling.

Joe: (on what he wishes girls knew about guys) We’re being nice when we compliment you.

Joe: I just wanted to make people laugh, and then I sang and I loved singing and it started from there. Everything I say I’m not going to do I end up doing.

Joe: Live like you are at the bottom even if you are at the top.

Joe: (After getting his driver's license) Now everyone has to stay off the roads!

Joe: It’s so cool to get on stage every night doing our stuff.

Joe: I’m pretty awesome when it comes to balancing things.

Joe: I’ve loved Baby Bottle Pops from the very beginning. Ever since they came out, I’ve always thought that they ruled. They’re awesome!

Joe: I like girls with the same personality.

Joe: (about creating a new flavor of ice cream) I would put in chocolate ice cream with a little bit of peanut butter and marshmallows. It would be like a Twix bar.

Joe: I would invent ice cream that never melts.

Joe: Music is my life, it is very special. You have music as a kind of feeling. There are songs when you are happy and there are songs when you are sad.

Joe: (talking about where his band gets there ideas for lyrics) Sometimes it is about either what is going on in my life right now, or how we are feeling that day. A lot of the songs can be really happy when we are having a great time, but some songs will be very sad.

Joe: I think I always wanted to make people laugh. I thought that it was my job to be a comedian all day. When I was singing around the house my dad would say, "Joe, you have a great voice. You should sing."

Joe: (talking about his favorite character in High School Musical) Corbin is definitely the man.

Joe: (talking about the premiere of High School Musical 2) We are so excited. I’m excited to watch it. I mean, I’m definitely uh, we have to say


Senin, 14 September 2009

The Jonas Brothers

Jonas Brothers adalah band pop/rock asal Amerika yg beranggotakan 3 orang yang kaka beradik.
Paul Kevin Jonas II (Kevin - K2 - Kev) Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocal
Joseph Adam Jonas (Joe - Dj Danger) Lead Vocal, Tambourine, sometimes playing Guitar
Nicholas Jerry Jonas (Nick J - Mr. President) Vocal, songwriter, guitar, piano, sometimes playing drum

Jonas Brothers adalah Band asal Wyckoff, New Jersey, yang dibentuk pada tahun 2005, dimana ketiga personilnya adalah kakak-beradik. Saat ini mereka menduduki puncak tangga lagu di US, dengan konser tour yang selalu sold-out, serta digemari oleh banyak anak2, ABG, dan tante2

Band ini awalnya dimulai dari project album solo Nick, kemudian produser tertarik dengan Joe dan Kevin, akhirnya berlanjut menjadi band. Jonas Brothers sudah mengeluarkan 4 album : It's About Time, Jonas Brothers, A Little Bit Longer, dan yang baru tahun ini Lines, Vines and Trying Times. tapi itu blm termasuk album ost. 3d experience nya .

Websites :
Official :

Gue punya baaaaanyak alasan kenapa gue suka JB
1. Mereka keren (klasik),
2. Mereka tampan, ganteng, georgeous, handsome, cute (semua orang tau itu),
3. Akting mereka bagus, sungguh,
4. Sungguh bertalenta, berbakat, TOTALLY AWESOME,
5. Aksi panggung yang aktraktif dan bener2 gak membosankan ,
6. Mereka ramah, baik hati dan tidak sombong sama fansnya,
7. Mereka satu keluarga yg sangat harmonis,
8. Tingkah lakunya lucu, kocak tapi tetep keren ^_^
9. The main thing is THEIR VOICE, WAW! suara joe yang keren abis dan nick super duper keren dan cute, lirik lagunya yg TOTALLY AWESOME
And so many more..

Gue sebagai big fans of them sangat sangat berharap mereka konser di Indonesia
Dan semoga rumor kalo mereka bakal dateng bulan Desember tahun ini beneran.
Amin Ya Rabb ^^


Rabu, 02 September 2009

Gending Sriwijaya - Sumatra Selatan

Tari Ngelajau - Lampung

daftar kata bahasa lampung

liman = gajah
alimawong = harimau
cecah/ kunyang = monyet/ kera
simong = musang
hanuwang = kambing hutan <= terancam punah ke-10 versi Metro 10
hantu legu = sigung
khuyan = landak
napuh = kancil
uncal = kijang/ rusa
jawi = sapi
ulai segi = trenggiling
babui = babi
manuk = ayam
kaci = anjing

Selasa, 01 September 2009

Lirik Saykoji - Copy My Style (Again)

Lirik Saykoji - Copy My Style (Again)

you copy my style
you copy again
apa plagiat di negara lo lagi ngetrend?
ku tetap sabar tetap kau kuanggap friend
but sooner or later i gotta take my stand

udah bolak balik sampe balik kebolak
temen gue sampe keselek pas makan kolak
lagi lagi berulang ulang terus terjadi
tetangga bikin ulah lagi bikin sakit hati

suka ngaku ngaku kagak malu malu
punya indonesia di klaim satu satu
apa memang kalian yang gak mampu mampu
buat budaya sendiri efek gak ampuh ampuh

baca rambu rambu, bangsaku berbudi luhur
tapi usik terus, reputasi mu masuk kubur
jujur gue bangga jujur gue bersyukur
elo ngaku ngaku berarti progress lo mundur

panas ku bertutur kreasi bicara
walau sudah jelas identitas ku dijarah
joe farizal aja bisa minta maap
masa yang lain kagak nyadar kagak tanggap

you copy my style
you copy again
apa plagiat di negara lo lagi ngetrend?
ku tetap sabar tetap kau kuanggap friend
but sooner or later i gotta take my stand

bukan mo sok nasionalis sombong mengangkat alis
bukan mo sok gangster bukan sok sadis
walau lagi ngetop bukan gue sok ngartis
tapi bales pake lagu paling praktis

marah marah di internet, udah pasaran
ngomel ngomel di pasar kagak sabaran
kaya cacing kepanasan jenggot kebakaran
rasanya gatel pengen ngasih tamparan

tapi gue orang nya cinta damai
walau rasanya sulit untuk santai
amunisi di samping nyiur melambai
pakai musik rap ku siap membantai

memang satu rumpun masih sama melayu
tapi melayu saykoji keras dan gak kemayu
selendang rocker ku agak mendayu
tapi coba ajak gue battle rap ayuk!!

you copy my style
you copy again
apa plagiat di negara lo lagi ngetrend?
ku tetap sabar tetap kau kuanggap friend
but sooner or later i gotta take my stand